SAP Open Connectors

Staging Release Notes - Version v2.208.1719

Release notes -- v2.208.1719 (since v2.208.1697)


SLYT-1453 chore(db_cleanup): change the retention of bulk loader and bulk job data from 30 to 10 days

Eng 184 Intacct V2 Pagination Fix

  • Intacct V2 connector pagination fix for /departments endpoint

ENG-472 : feat(Formula): Adds API to delete formula executions by instanceId and instance and ExecutionId

  • Adds API to mark formula executions as deleted by instanceId

ENG-704 : fix(common resource): Fixes the loading of api docs page in case the driver returns string of connector Ids

  • Fixes the loading of api docs page in case the driver returns string of connector Ids

ENG-666 | Adds GET /banks resource to Great Plains Element Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains

  • Adds GET /banks resource to Great Plains Connector

ENG-698 (feat) Platform API : Enhance connector instance configuration API to support partial update

  • Enhance connector instance configuration API to support partial update /instances/configuration or /instances{id}/configuration GET PATCH/instances/configuration/{configKeyOrId} or /instances{id}/configuration/{configKeyOrId}GET PATCH

ENG-909 (feat): Files connector enhancements

  • Ability to POST a file using sample json payloadex:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/elements/api-v2/files?objectName=contactsamp;samplePayload=%7B%22first_name%22%3A%20%22John%22%2C%20%22id%22%3A%20%201%7D" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: User STX75egaiTLGiao61MLGOJgLmGSEpCxahee9Z6M6RQI=, Organization afc1a55ee2b32bb03e55a7415fb889ea, Element JIVVku/CtILmvfXrQShLTCr/RyjBR1vRHM8OvTXHGfM=" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
  • Simplified creating a file using metadata, without additional column fields
{  "columns": [    {      "name": "firstname",      "typeName": "string"    }  ]}
  • Ability to support JSON files

ENG-592 fix(db): avoids deadlock during notification partition creation

ENG-598: Added delete for engineerSchedule in FSE connector

  • Added delete for engineerSchedule in Field Service Edge connector

ENG-1021: brighttalk - Adding new fields for user sub-object for all resources

  • Added new fields for user object under all resources for brighttalk connector.

ENG-751 : Update Syncplicity where clause description for search endpoint

  • Update Syncplicity where clause description extra spaces next to parens for search endpoint