SAP Open Connectors

HubSpot CRM - Creating Hubspot Test Accounts

Why Use a HubSpot Test Account

HubSpot can be confusing in part because trial accounts and test accounts look exactly the same. Trial accounts expire in 30 days and you have to manually upgrade to other levels to access certain features, many of which expire even quicker. This is different from a test account, which has all the features of a full Enterprise Account, expires in 90 days, and can be renewed with a single click.

For more information, see HubSpot docs on creating test account:

Creating a HubSpot Test Account

To create a new HubSpot test account, complete these steps:

  1. Login to HubSpot with a developer account at
  2. You might have an email address with multiple accounts under it (free accounts, upgraded free accounts, test accounts, and developer accounts)
    1. Navigate to to create a new developer account or select an existing developer account. 
    2. You will know you are logged in as a developer account by the limited toolbar that shows only Apps, Testing & Resources:
  3. From there, click "Testing" from the menu.
  4. If no other test accounts exist under this developer account, click “Start Testing“ or if there is already a list of test accounts, you can click “Create test hub ID” from the top right to create a new empty account (no contacts, not forms, no workflows, etc.).
  5. Give your test hub a name.
  6. The test hub that is created has full access to Enterprise versions of the HubSpot Marketing, Sales, and Service Hubs which include things like workflows, forms, and landing pages. Test accounts expire after 90 days but can be renewed by revisiting the developer account that you created it under and clicking the Renew button in the row for the account. Renewing an account sets it to expire 90 days from when you click the renew button. Expired accounts can be renewed up to 90 days after they originally expired.
  7. Creating other test accounts is done the same way: login with a user, visit the developer account, go to Testing, and click “Create test hub ID”:
  8. After you have created a test account, it will show in the accounts list alongside all other accounts. This list is shown when you first login to HubSpot (or are selecting an account during OAuth).
  9. The test account has all features enabled (no lock symbols on the menus):