SAP Open Connectors

Ledger Accounts

Ledger Accounts
A ledger account contains a record of business transactions. It is a separate record within the general ledger that is assigned to a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense type.

accountnumberReference given to each nominal ledger account for a business. It ensures money is allocated to the correct account. 
accNamestringName of the ledger account
accCategorystringMain category of the ledger account
accSubCategorystringType of ledger account (sub category)
descriptionstringAdditional details (description) for the account
tranTypestringThe type of transaction made to this account - Debit or Credit
idnumberIdentifier for the account, unique for the company.
statusstringThe current state of the account
taxablebooleanIndicator to display whether the amount in the account is taxable or not
taxCodestringThe default tax code associated with this account
createdDatestringDate the record was created in the accounting system.
modifiedDatestringDate the record was last updated in the accounting system.
cashFlowRatestringThe type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the cash flow statement.
currencystringCurrency of the account.
exchangeRatestringThe exchange rate used in the accounting system in order to convert the amount into the home currency
externalIdstringFriendly reference of the account (from external system)
generalRatestringThe type of exchange rate that is used to translate foreign currency amounts for this account in the income statement, balance sheet, and other general purposes.
amountnumberCurrent balance in the account
parentAcc.idstringThe unique identifier of the parent account of this ledger account
parentAcc.namestringThe name of the parent account of this ledger account
parentAcc.typestringThe type of the parent account of this ledger account
requireLocbooleanIndicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a location
location.idstringThe location unique identifier that has access privileges to this account 
location.namestringThe location name that has access privileges to this account 
location.typestringThe location type that has access privileges to this account 
requireDeptbooleanIndicator to display whether the access of this account is restricted to a department
department.namestringThe department name that has access privileges to this account 