Release notes -- v2.208.1340 (since vhotfix-SDR-3021)
DELIVERY-1481 - Stripe: Added a new field in /Customers resource
- Added
field support in /Customers
EA-289 | Forwards fields
to Rally as fetch
to retrieve specific fields and processed by Vendor instead of SAP Open Connectors
- Improves performance for SEARCH APIs on Rally connector when using
SLYT-1864 Upgrade tomcat verion to 8.5.41
EL-6953 Update to have synk
EL-6475-fix: deployment failure error correction
- bullet separated list of highlights that customers will see in our release notes
- also, when applicable, include any examples (videos, GIFs, images, etc.) that demonstrate these changes that our customers may want to see
EL-6475-fix-1: remove questbackefs related queries
EL-6475-fix-2: consider all the tag_ids that were added
- bullet separated list of highlights that customers will see in our release notes
- also, when applicable, include any examples (videos, GIFs, images, etc.) that demonstrate these changes that our customers may want to see