SAP Open Connectors

Amazon Marketplace

The Amazon Marketplace Web Services API (MWS) allows users to work with data relating to their amazon seller account including transactions, products, competing items and more. This article describes the steps to get an account ready for use with the MWS API. 

  1. Create an Amazon Seller Account
  2. Enter your Company Information ** Do NOT skip this step
  3. Register a Developer in your Amazon Seller Account

Step 1: Create an Amazon Seller Account

  1. Navigate to and click Sign Up or Manage Amazon MWS.
  2. Create or sign in to your Amazon account.

Step 2: Enter your Company Information ** Do NOT skip this step

This step is absolutely critical, without completing every step here Amazon will limit the functionality of your seller account and some API's may not work correctly. Complete every step from 1 Seller Agreement to 5 Product Information.

Step 3: Register a Developer in Amazon Seller Account

  1. Once logged in, navigate to Settings>User Permissions, or go to

  2. Note the DeveloperID and SellerID in the Current Authorization section.
  3. Add a user, or authorize an existing user by clicking the yellow Authorize A Developer.

  4. Register the developer.